V.A - 11.11.11 - A day like no other ( ambient - electronica - field rec -アンビエント - エレクトロニカ - フィールドレコーディング )

" For the first time MiMi Records opens the door to artists from around the world, but the reason is also special: 11/11/11.In the end, more than 50 minutes with field recordings, environments sounds and artists local sensations who lived one day as there is no equal.This is another document which is to file sound of the future." ( words from MIMI netlabel )
FREE DWNLDーーー〉〉〉フリーダウンロードーーー〉〉〉http://www.archive.org/details/mi180V.a-11.11.11-ADayLikeNoOther