KID A : in a dream house ( indie - electropop - エレクトロポップ )

In a dream house is an EP of KID A, released in 2010. I think her voice is interesting, and the feelings she express in her music too.
"In a dream house "はKID Aの初アルバム、 2010年のリリースです。
ジャンル :エレクトロポップ曲
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( note : KID A has recorder a new album named PPPoney OST. I really like her musical world. some songs are in english, others in seems that the influence of japanese pop culture in the world is growing more and more everyday...KID Aの最新アルバムは日本語で歌われた。本当に!( 世界で日本のポップカルチャーはますます行き渡っている。)
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