herwig holzmann - has your anger really disappeared or have you just buried it so deep ( soundtrack - ambient - アンビエント - サントラ )

" ...Just like the spectacle outside, Herwig's album is a testament to metamorphosis and change. Somewhere along the lines of its more orchestral instrumentation, textural ambient and jazz, we witness the eclosion of a thought as it specifies itself. And yes, it is epic. " ( words from Camomille netlabel )
Je recommande de tout coeur cet excellent album de Herwig Holzmann. Entre ambient et bande son d'un film intérieur et terriblement personnel...ou chacun pourra se retrouver.
ジャンル : 素敵なアンビエント作曲。サントラみたい。勧めます!
FREE DWNLDーーー〉〉〉フリーダウンロードーーー〉〉〉http://www.vincentfugere.com/camomille/cml012.html