Max Fotheringham : In All Amber EP ( indie pop - folk - インヂーポップ - フォーク )

" First release from Brussels-based singer-songwriter Max Fotheringham. Written, composed and recorded by himself, almost entirely from his bedroom with a single microphone, In All Amber is a five song EP that journeys through various stages of insomnia. Mixed and mastered by Wouter Gordts at the one and only Higher Living Studio. " words from Higher Living records.
FREE DWNLDーーー〉〉〉フリーダウンロードーーー〉〉〉
Very talented composer, it gives me inspiration.
the voice is beautiful,peaceful,he sings with a lot of emotion.
There is a lot of positive vibrations.I have hope again.
Thanks rajsank !
Thanks Max !
Here's the album cover: l an d l o vers music. com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09 / la ndlo ver s_co nf id ants_web1.jpg
Sorry about the link in the comments, i coudlnt find your email