Randy Johnson : Experimental Film ( shoegaze - electronica - エレクトロニカ )

゛アメリカの一人シューゲイザー、Randy Johnsonが送る今作のコンセプトは「架空の実験映画のサウンドトラック」。そのコンセプトの通り、一切の言葉を用いずに、渦巻くギターとシンセによってさまざまなサウンドスケープを描き出す。楽曲につけられた意味深なタイトルも合わせて、リスナーが各々の映画を想像しながら聴ける作品になっている。゛(CANATAネットレーベルより。。。)
The concept of this album, created by American solo shoegazer Randy Johnson, is a soundtrack "for an experimental film. Only there's no film."
Through swirling guitars and synths, various soundscapes are drawn without words.
Combined with the suggestive titles for each track, listeners are able to imagine their own movies while listening. (words from Canata records )
FREE DWNLDーーー〉〉〉フリーダウンロードーーー〉〉〉http://shortcakecollagetape.bandcamp.com/album/experimental-film
j'écoute actuellement pour la deuxième fois en 1 heure ce magnifique album.
Thanks for the discovery.this album is the great surprise of my sunday.
in fact i love this electro-synths-shoegaze style.it reminds me the sound of the musical project"Jesu" ,in the first track and the tracks 8 "All That Remains Is A Brighter Tomorrow"which reminds me sigur ros.
the other compositions are more rock shoegaze,the progression of the songs is nice.
again the sensibility of the composer is near to mine.
i like a lot the concept of soundtrack without movies,like Max Richter.
the concept that our life is a movie which we need to compose a soundtrack about is interesting.
Again ,thanks my friends for sharing with us these nice discoveries.
have a good week !
i'm happy to discover some talented artists.
I think there is a real revolution with the music.the netlabels,bandcamp,soundcloud.
I think artists,netlabels,bloggers,bandcamp,soundcloud,open source music and freewares ,Linux has created nice communities.
i enjoy listening music from some talented artists like you here.it's great that we can talk with artists.
This revolution gives me inspiration for making music.
Thanks a lot Randy Johnson,Rajsank, and all the artists who are posted here.
You give us happiness,pleasure and hope.