Tobias Herzz Hallbauer : beSides ( dark folk - electronica - ダーク フォーク - エレクトロニカ )

„beSides“ - the latest album of german musician Tobias Herzz Hallbauer – contains seven tracks: some out-takes from the albums „A Well Known Man“ and „Verses 2“ (both released on Clinical Archives), and two remixed and remastered earlier recordings („Wiese“ and „Klee“). There are instrumentals and songs: from dark trip hop to electronica and folk... The lyrics are written by Tobias Herzz Hallbauer and by the poets Katherine Mansfield („Out In The Garden“) and Stephen Crane („Places Among The Stars“). A very special song is the track „Klee“ - the lyrics are a collage of poems by the famous painter Paul Klee.
このアルバムはドイツのTobias Herzz Hallbauerさんによって作られた。
ジャンル:ダーク フォーク/エレクトロニカ曲。。。ドイツ語で歌われた。
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