Anna Rose Carter & Pleq : My Piano is Broken ( ambient - piano - アンビエント - ピアノ )

From the south coast of Wales, Anna Rose Carter started playing piano at the age of seven and was influenced by many modern day classical composers as well as the natural beauty surrounding her. Her debut album Silver Lines came out on Clem Leek’s label Schedios Records.
Bartosz Dziadosz aka Pleq from Poland has been active since 2008 and has been prolific enough to have quite a discography with releases on u-cover, Databloem, dataObscura, October Man, Basses Frequences, Impulsive Art and Progressive Form. Pleq’s work has many influences from drone and ambient to downtempo and glitch but also sometimes including vocals.
My Piano is Broken is a 5 track ep which is a collaboration between the two artists, Anna providing some beautiful Piano ripples, Pleq providing electronic glitches and drones.
このアルバムの制作にAnna Rose CarterとPleqが参加しました。Splitアルバムです。2011年にリリースされています。
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