Karolis Burzinskas - Dawn ( アンビエント - post-rock - ambient - IDM )
ENG : aaah, beautiful postrock/ambient album...not the kind of heavy post-rock turning guitar symphonia and giving you headheache...no, just delicate and ''light'' post-rock...well, to understand what i mean, just dwnld it. ( The instrumentals tracks are more interesting than songs, that's my humble opinion )
FREE DWNLD--->>>http://www.archive.org/details/foot120
---->>>> ZIP
日本語 : Karolis Burzinskasはこのアルバムを作りました。。。
ジャンル : POST-ROCK / アンビエント
--->>> ZIP
FR : Un album post-rock et ambient de Karolis Burzinskas ( Lithuanie )...delicat et leger, pour vous procurer des reveries qui, sans etre verticales, prennent de la hauteur et vous font relever la tete, vers les cieux peut etre...en tous cas a milles lieues de la grande porcherie humaine....
DL gratuit--->>> http://www.archive.org/details/foot120
--->>> ZIP
I didn't find this album really enchanting. Too post-rock-clone and not enough innovation.
The basis of ''how to become a musician'' is to copy your master, the rest will follow...
innovation is a long process...why not appreciate what NOW give us ( for FREE )...