JUST ANOTHER FORECAST JUICE (MIXTAPE - エレクトロニカ - electronica - post-rock )

ENG : Yearning for the summer, Audiotalaia Netlabel releases a new and refreshing Mixtape. This time and after a few time on the shadows, the section of Mixtapes reborns with three pieces brought specially from the coast line in Catalonia. Applezup (aka Christian Negre Walczak) sets up an extended mix of tracks ranging from the experimentation to post-rock, folk to ambient as well. Just Another Forecast Juice is another twist on the concept of mixtape and fixed composition or mixing.
DWNLD for FREE--->>>http://www.audiotalaia.net/at021.htm
or ZIP--->>> http://www.archive.org/download/At021Applezup-JustAnotherForecastJuice/at021.zip