Denis Kolokol - Ily ( アンビエント - ambient - xprmntl )

ENG : "Denis Kolokol - IlyDenis Kolokol is a Ukrainian sound artist, composer and performer currently residing in Krakow, Poland. He used to be a key figure in the underground scene of Almaty, Kazakhstan, also run some really good zines. You can find out more about him at his MySpace profile.... And listening his album is like having a trip...That's music for mind travellers...
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日本語 : あなたたちがこのアルバムを気にいってくれるといいのですが。。。
フリー ダウンロードーーー〉〉〉
Fr : Une musique pour voyager dans votre tête. Pas besoin de valises ni de passeport...
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