woulg. - mym_use ( poetic lo-fi breakcore )

ENG : " It’s stirred, not shaken. A roughly cut piece of music,
that leaves a lot to your imagination.
Strong beats, bits of guitar and voice tumble out of a bar,
arm in arm, roaming the streets like newborn kittens with teeth,
exploring everything around them...." From archive.org...
My opinion : interesting poetic lo-fi breakcore album that every readers of this blog should download...DWNLD for FREE--->>> http://www.archive.org/details/WaW021-Woulg.

日本語 : 日本語 : この アルバム は 面白くて 珍 です。。。 
フリー ダウンロードーーー〉〉〉〉http://www.archive.org/details/WaW021-Woulg.

FR : Un album assez spécial, initialement breakcore, avec des accents très personnel, genre musique qu'on écoute au coin du feu, ou au casque.......DWNLD gratuit--->>> http://www.archive.org/details/WaW021-Woulg.
