Melinda Ligeti : Belonging ( jazz - indie - vocal - ジャズ )

 "Disillusion, solitude, reminiscence, believing, traveling, loving, belonging.
Belonging to somebody, to yourself, to nature, dreams, to the unknown,
to something, to anything, to no one and nothing.
Belonging to the thought of not belonging. Either way – we all belong."
(Melinda Ligeti)

"Belonging" is a captivating album of Melinda Ligeti, a singer from Serbia. Although the main influence of this album is jazz, you can also hear others influences, as european music. Great album, and sweetly relaxing...
"Belonging"はセルビアのMaria Ligetiさんのアルバムで、Acustronicaネットレーベルからリリースされました。
ジャンル:ジャズ/Indie/Vocal Jazz。このアルバムを聞くと、リラックスができます。
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Melinda Ligeti biography :
