Darwin Raymond : Beyond The Shore, The Sea ( ambient - アンビエント )

Darwin Raymond is primarily a guitar based musician currently residing in Columbus, Ohio.
He has also released an EP on Audio Gourmet (Rien/Rain) and an album on FeedbackLoop (Night).
His new release on Resting Bell is called “Beyond The Shore, The Sea” and it is a wonderful album focusing on the ocean. Nine tracks with a complete duration of about 40 minutes. Darwin has focused on the overlap and interplay of memory with the present, which he explores by recording a base guitar track and immediately overdubbing it with additional tracks in order to pursue the feelings evoked by those few moments as they are occurring.( words from restingbell netlabel )
"Beyond The Shore, The Sea"はDarwin Raymondの最新アルバムで、Restingbellネットレーベルからリリースされました。
FREE DWNLDーーー〉〉〉フリーダウンロードーーー〉〉〉http://www.restingbell.net/releases/rb111-beyond-the-shore-the-sea
