Children Of Ishizuke Tree - Entering The Ocean ( ambient - アンビエント )
ENG :"Entering The Ocean" is the first studio album of Ishizuke Children. Long majestic compositions remind the Buddhist temple ceremonies. It's deeper than the deepest ocean. Themes of tracks are ecology, nonviolence, intercorrection of all life in the universe, instant karma, search for the mysterious in everyday.
Children of Ishizuke Tree is a band from Belarus ( and it seems that this country has a lot of bands playing high quality and openminded music ! )
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日本語 :CHILDREN OF ISHIZUKE TREEと言うバンドはこのアルバムを作りました。。。ベラロシャ人です。。。
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FR : Le groupe belarusse Children of Ishizuke Tree vous offre cet album d'ambient profonde et mysterieuse. Lorsque j'ecoute cet album, j'imagine aisement d'immenses et sombres vagues fantomatiques s'abattre au ralenti sur les terres et villes colonisees par l'etre humain.....
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