Joe Frawley : Daughters of industry ( アンビエント - Ambient - xprmntl )
ENG : This is the new album of joe Frawley...this is an interesting ambient album with experimental sounds...contains a lot of feminine voice samples...Please contribute or donate--->>> he wrote :
Step One: Download the music from the left hand column.
Step Two: Choose from one of the following payment options and fill in the amount you would like to pay.
...or DWNLD for FREE---->>>>>> ZIP
日本語 : Joe Frawleyの最新アルバムです。。
ジャンル : アンビエント ー XPRMNTL
--->>> ZIP
FR : Le nouvel album de Joe Frawley...Ambient, vous invite tres fortement a contribuer au telechargement de cet album....
DWNLD gratuit--->>>
---->>>> ZIP