Phillip Wilkerson - Williams Park EP ( electronica - エレクトロニカ )

ENG : Nice electronica album...The first track named "Sun up" is beautiful...
here is a short note about the place called Williams Park-->>Williams Park is in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States. It is the city's first park and encompasses an entire city block between 4th and 3rd Streets North and between 2nd and 1st Avenues North. Founded in 1888 and originally named "City Park," it was changed to Williams Park in honor of the founder of St. Petersburg, John Constantine Williams Sr....This is a Bypass netlabel release....
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日本語 : とてもいいなエレクトロニカアルバム です。。。
フリー ダウンロードーーー〉〉〉
Fr : Un album electronica de bonne facture...
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