Outra-g : Somni ep ( electronica )
ENG : Actually, it's very hard to find good electronica release, i mean the kind of release that can drop you in The fabulous world of dreams, or that can help you to leave ( just 5 minutes, it's ok ) this stupid and cruel world...but i found this interesting ep of outra-g, released on Flumo netlabel...
DWNLD it for FREE---->>> http://www.flumorecordings.com/wp_old/experimental-music-senses/fld-014outra-gsomni-ep/
FR : Un album electronica que j'ai cherché pendant longtemps, car il y a trop de productions dark ou sans profondeur pour l'instant...
DWNLD gratuit--->>>>> http://www.flumorecordings.com/wp_old/experimental-music-senses/fld-014outra-gsomni-ep/