Francisco Godikinho - ( O )( O )( O ) =( エレクトロニカ / electronica - IDM )

ENG : "
The album includes 17 songs and it is an amazing trip starting at point zero pushing you from left to right and from top to down. Some songs begin really calm and do not loose these wonderful moods until the end where others break inside and wrench out your personal mind drifts. The quality of Franciscos music is amazing and you will find ambient songs, IDM abstractions and four to the floor music. Consequently complex_city. " from
My opinion : very good electronica album.
Please DWNLD it for FREE--->>>

日本語 : 面白い な エレクトロニカ リリス です。
ダウンロード を してもいい ですーーー〉〉〉もちろん ただ ですーーー〉〉〉〉

FR : un album electronica bien équilibré : mélange d'abstractions, de sentiments et de paysages inédits... Du premier au dernier morceau, un trip sur des sentiers vierges à travers une mystérieuse forêt...
DWNLD gratuit ici---->>>
